- System variant "Office and Administration Buildings" with the modules New Construction, Complete Refurbishment and Use and Operation
- System variant "Educational Buildings", module New Construction and Complete Refurbishment
- System variant "Outdoor Facilities", module New Construction
- System variant "Laboratory Buildings", module New Construction
Further Contact Persons and Certification Offices
Additional information on the implementation of sustainable building is also available on the Sustainable Building Information Portal and other platforms.

System Operators Recognised by the Federal Building Ministry / Certification Offices for BNB
The BNB was developed for federal construction measures, but may also be used by all public and private developers for evaluations. The voluntary use of the BNB for building certification by private and public clients is subject to a separate regulatory procedure. The basis for this is the notice on the use and recognition of rating systems for sustainable building of 15 April 2010 (Federal Gazette No. 70 of 7 May 2010, page 1642 ff.) and its update of 23 July 2015.
On this basis, the following system operators (external certification offices) have so far been recognised by the Federal Building Ministry, who offer an examination of the verification documents and certification according to BNB for construction projects:
Steinbeis + Akademie GmbH External link
represented by Steinbeis-Transfer-Institut Bau- und Immobilienwirtschaft (STI) (Dresden) for:
- System variant "Office and Administration Buildings" with the modules New Construction and Complete Refurbishment
- System variant "Educational Buildings", module New Construction and Complete Refurbishment
- System variant "Laboratory Buildings", module New Construction
The certification offices also provide information on the respective requirements for sustainability coordinators and the conditions for submitting documentary evidence for building certification.